008 (More words than images... today)

I’ve been trying to decide if I should even be giving a dialogue to go with images on this blog, at least for the posts that are photos throughout the day. As I’ve mentioned before, it is more of a journal than anything else, but not one so private that I don’t feel like sharing. I feel as if the images can just speak for themselves. Do they really need to have any explanation? Maybe. Do I feel that people aren’t smart enough to get them? Not at all. In fact, I feel more like I’m insulting people’s intelligence more by captioning or explaining than if I just leave it up to whoever looks at them. Sure, some of them may seem like they repeat, or are the same subject, but that’s the times that we’re in currently.

All, or at least most, of us are stuck at home, whether by choice or mandate, and our movements are restricted. My wife and I, though having to leave for some things, have tried to limit ourselves in where we go, especially after this past weekend. We are in the midst of planning to move, have a cat that was scheduled and is receiving/received radioactive iodine treatment, and have day-to-day tasks to deal with. We don’t have any more or less going on than probably anyone else, but we’re trying to be safe and as responsible as possible. Either way, though, our lives have become limited in where we go/are. That said, so go the images that I collect throughout the day. When we are out, I’m usually focused on the task at hand, mainly my hands and how to keep them away from my face during a pandemic that hit in the middle of pollen season in the south (If you haven’t lived here, this is a REAL ISSUE!). This means that I don’t always look at where I am, or take a picture as I drive the car. Just know that I’m sharing as a way to document, boring or exciting, and for a sense of purpose.

Purpose is something that I’ve been trying to put my finger on for the past week or so. Not so much I feel I don’t have one, but another way to explain this blog as it is right now. It also is a way to explain where we are and WHY these images are important for me to share. We all probably feel more of a need of purpose right now. Until it’s gone, even those of us with little structure in our lives don’t realize how much the world around us, and the everyday life we have, structures our routines and gives this sense of purpose. What I want to close this with is a paraphrased statement I read earlier today that touches on that purpose. It is from Massachusetts Governor, Charlie Baker: “Purpose is what drives us. Limiting physical and social contact is profoundly purposeful. Every single act of distance has a purpose.”

Everyone stay safe and stay healthy.


007 (Not James Bond)

We got up early today… EARLY!

We had to take one of the cats to Atlanta to have treatment for his hyper-thyroid, so the fact that I’m able to even type right now is amazing. Just so everyone knows, this was scheduled WAY in advance. I would have taken some pictures of how empty Atlanta was, but I was driving.


We left at 5:30, got home at about noon. It was time to take the dog out. It is the only thing that has gotten me out of the house since we got back.


Ben slightly resembles a weird, stone thing outside our building:


I tried to work… honestly



I had no idea how much time I would actually spend on getting these posts ready and published online each day. I’m sure over time it will be done a little faster, but I’m finding that my style of shooting and the need to edit makes this a little bit of a chore every day.

For those who may be checking this out for the first time, I’m keeping a photo diary/journal of things throughout my day. In a way it has to do with the shift of daily life during this pandemic, but it also has to do with my desire to just share what I see daily. Any post that is a three digit number will be part of this.

I missed yesterday, so this is post has both yesterday and today included… just in case you wondered.

005 (03.21.2020)

Aida… The Dog

Aida… The Dog

Outside… Taking Out The Dog

Outside… Taking Out The Dog

006 (03.22.2020)


Photo Diary, GO!

I don’t feel like I have that much to say via words these days. It’s not so much that I feel as if no one is listening, more so that I just can’t seem to commit to anything that I may want to say. I have this feeling that what I’ve written is in some way wrong, or may rub someone the wrong way, and so I tend to just erase it. To even write those words drives me nuts, as I’m not the type of person to stay quiet when I really feel strongly about something. Either way, though, this is why I haven’t been posting anything on this blog. It surprises even me that this has been an issue for five months.

Now that I’ve been spending a good bit of time at home the past few days, due to the current pandemic, I’ve tried to confront this as a way to keep busy. I finally decided that I’m going to just try and avoid words for a while. Don’t get me wrong, I secretly love being able to write, it just doesn’t come out well when it is as disjointed as all my past attempts (unpublished) have been. Trust me, flip through my notebook and you’ll get the bigger picture.

Instead, though, I’m going to embark on a photo diary. I’m going to try and post every day, or at least something FOR every day for the next year. I might post a few words here and there in regards to an image, or maybe a comment on something topical, but for the most part I just need to start documenting more, even if it’s just things that are important to me.

After this post, expect all the photo posts to be listed by number, starting with 001. If I post any other type of blog, then kind with mainly words and thoughts, you’ll know it by the title that doesn’t fit the numerical system.

I hope all is well with everyone in this time of global crisis. Know that my thoughts are with all of you. Stay healthy, stay safe, and take care.